The Legal Form and Date of Establishment:
Arab Union for International Exhibitions & Conferences (AUIEC) is an Arab International Organization, founded in 1995 under the auspices of the Arab League, to represent and serve the Arab exhibition and conference industry.
On December 3, 1997, the Council of Arab Economic Unity issued Resolution No. 1070 / D 66 approving the joining of the AUIEC to the specialized Arab unions operating under the umbrella of the Council.
AUIEC is currently working within the framework of the Forum of Arab Specialized Qualitative Unions, sponsored by the Secretary General of the League of Arab States (LAS), after the General Secretariat of LAS agreed to join the Union for the membership of the Forum. AUIEC participated in the fourth session of the meeting held on Wednesday evening, July 7, 2021 in the New Alamein City in the Arab Republic of Egypt, which was organized under the title “Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence” headed by His Excellency the Secretary General of LAS.
AUIEC Headquarters:
The headquarters of the AUIEC is in Cairo, Egypt, and it is regulated by a headquarters agreement signed with the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Purpose of the Union:
The Arab Union for International Exhibitions and Conferences was established to be the voice of the Arab exhibition and conference industry, and to work to protect the rights and investments of exhibition and conference center owners, exhibition and conference organizers, exhibition and conference service providers, contractors, small and big exhibitors, and to provide services to its members to help them develop and promote their events, provide data and information to perform their work, create channels and platforms to communicate between them to exchange experiences, provide and organize training programs and workshops to improve the skills of exhibition and conference workers in accordance with international standards.
Union and Sustainable Development Goals:
AUIEC is committed to driving and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among our Arab & overseas membership and the exhibition & convention industry at large. Our engagement in providing tangible solutions for sustainable development makes AUIEC a trusted and viable partner for governments, markets, and non-profits.
Our Vision:
To be the leading MICE organization to enhance Arab countries’ position as a premier global hub for the industry.
Our Mission:
• Set the direction for the growth and development of the MICE industry.
• Promote best practices and standards.
• Enhance infrastructure and capabilities in the MICE industry.
• To promote the growth and development of the exhibition and convention industry in Arab region.
• To encourage and maintain the highest ethical standards of business conduct and professionalism within the industry.
• To promote and establish common industry standards in Arab Country
• To represent the Arab industry in developing initiatives with Government agencies.
• To represent the Arab interest at international level.
• To promote the common interest of members.