Wasata Youth Action
AUIEC Member Profile
Wasata Youth Action

Type of business:
Event organizer
Business Description
Wasata Youth Action
It was established in 2013 and is an association registered with the Palestinian Ministry of Interior.
It is a forum of excellence that aspires to give boys and girls the necessary tools and skills to ensure active participation in the process of sustainable human development in Palestine by facilitating multidisciplinary training programs, developing skills, implementing cultural, artistic, and heritage exhibitions, and festivals, and providing youth with the necessary tools that enable them to achieve this goal.
Our areas of work include all governorates of the country, and wherever we feel that there is a need to develop young people, expand their perceptions, and spread the spirit of volunteerism.
Vision: Palestinian youth who are socially and psychologically balanced, adhering to their customs and values, active in their society and active participants in their homeland.
Mission: Cultivate / raise the level of self-awareness / social / cultural / historical and artistic Palestinian youth.
Objectives of the Foundation
- Consolidating the principles of good citizenship among young people in Palestine and supporting the spirit of volunteerism and teamwork.
- Preserving Palestine’s religious, historical, and cultural heritage.
- Developing the capabilities of youth in Palestine, highlighting them and exploiting skills in the service of the city.
- Adopting scientific research in relation to the social, psychological and physiological needs of Palestinian children and youth.
Fields of work
Capacity building programs for all segments of society, especially young men and women.
Capacity-building programs play a vital role in developing and enhancing the skills and capabilities of society, especially young men and women. Here are some possible programs:
- Workshops and Training: Organize workshops covering a wide range of topics such as personal development, effective planning and goal setting, communication skills, and conflict management.
- Motivation and Personal Development Programs: Providing motivational sessions and workshops that focus on building self-confidence and promoting positive thinking and creative thinking.
- Career Guidance Programs: Provide counseling sessions for young people to guide them towards inspiring and appropriate educational and career choices.
- Technical and vocational training: Providing training courses on technical and vocational skills that meet the needs of the local labor market.
- Entrepreneurship programs: Promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship through training courses on business administration, idea development, e-marketing and Graphic design.
- Arts and Culture: Supporting artistic and cultural programs to develop creative talents and artistic expression of young people and holding various art exhibitions.
- Community Service Programs: Encouraging participation in community service events and promoting the values of volunteerism and social responsibility.
Heritage Conservation Programs
- Workshops for traditional crafts: – Provide workshops to teach youth and adults the skills of local traditional crafts, such as knitting, weaving, and mosaic making.
- Documentation and photography programs: Organizing courses on photography and documentation techniques to contribute to the collection and documentation of tangible and intangible heritage.
- Culture and Arts Festivals: Organizing festivals that promote traditional arts, folk music and dance to promote cultural heritage.
- Historical Revival Program: Holding historical events that live the old atmosphere and present the ancient Palestinian civilizations to the public.
- Restoration and maintenance of historical sites: Launching projects for the restoration and maintenance of historical sites and buildings to preserve their cultural identity, especially in the old city of Beit Sahour.
- Oral documentation programs: Encouraging the collection and documentation of oral heritage through the Hekayet Makan project.
- Tour Education: Develop educational programmes delivered via mobile apps to make information about heritage accessible to all. (Stone and Story Project)
- Creative Writing Workshops: Organizing workshops to teach creative writing skills and document personal stories and experiences.
- Building community partnerships: Encourage the formation of partnerships with local and Arab communities to integrate their heritage into heritage preservation programs.
- Holding heritage, artistic and historical exhibitions that contribute to raising awareness and supporting talents and capabilities.